Tuesday, August 15, 2006

G'Day From Me!

I could make some deep & meaningful (or perhaps more acurately, deep and meaningless) comment here saying “I am a very deep and complex individual…” but basically I’m not so I’ll just get on with it & see what develops!

Graham Hoskins… born 17th July 1955 and owner of Concept Musical Instruments in Perth, Western Australia which I opened in 1980… I have 3 great kids - Kerry, Lauren & Tim - and in a very happy stable relationship with a lovely German girl Anke who I live with in my partly renovated 1940’s deco style house, which I love to bits, in Rivervale.

In previous “lives” I was trombone player (was? well, it hasn’t been out of it’s case for years… in fact the last time I got it out at a party… after far too many red wines, and one of neighbours called the police! True!). I was very lucky that weren’t many trombone players around at the time I was playing professionally so managed to play many fantastic gigs including Johnny Farnham, the Bee Gees (at the WACA… was HUGE!), the Supremes (the hardest gig I’ve ever done… the charts were like reading fly dirt!) and many others… inlcuding being resident Bass Trombone for the Arts Orchestra & WA Opera Company. In fact my quirkiest gig was when I was called at very short notice asking if could come in and stand in for the bassoon player for the Arts Orchestra one night who where playing for Dame Margot Fontaine! Yes, that’s right… I said bassoon player! Apparently he or she was sick and couldn’t play so, with bassoon players being even rarer than trombonists at the time, they called me in! Talk about challenging… sight reading bassoon music. But is was fun… and I got to watch the 2nd half free!

These days I’m to busy running Concept Music to play trombone and apart from that am very involved in the Australian Music Association - in fact at the moment I’m finishing my 2nd term as President - the first ever retailer to be elected as President AND the first ever West Australian.
That’s it for now… it’s my first ‘blog’ so I’m not sure what’s supposed to happen next but I’m sure time will tell.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wot a posser! IO can play peter gun on yhe fat string so there!
wots a 'bone , just another bit a plummin' lots a love any way all the best,

3:30 am  

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