Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Go the Black & Green!

Well THAT was a much harder ride than either Anke or I anticipated!  Having corralled the troops at SPR (South Perth Roulers) to get a team of 8 intrepid warriors together for the 79kms Waroona Cyclo Sportiff ride last Sunday, I have to say that while I didn't think it would be easy...  I didn't think it would be that hard either. God my legs felt it the next day. It was a really good workout.

Anke & I regularly  do a "hills ride" of that distance with SPR pretty much every Sunday but of course, leaving from South Perth, we then have the benefit of a 20 to 25kms flat ride just to get to the hills... not so Waroona - less than 1 km down the road there was our first climb... & it seemed to never end.

All in all we had a good ride though it was definitely a case of "Follow me, I'm right behind you!" from my perspective! When I wasn't panting & gazing into the distance trying to see just how far ahead the rest of the team were, the scenery was beautiful and... we did it! One partial flat; one comfort stop & water bottle refill and just under 3 hours later... we were back at Waroona enjoying a roast beef dinner. Thanks especially to Cameron & Leah for their help dragging me up the worst of the hills... which, come to think of it, was pretty much all of them!

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