Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hot & Humid in Darwin... but lovely.

Darwin can now officially be taken off my "List of places I have never been" after I went there last weekend.  Anke was working there for 2 weeks so, tempted by a very generous offer from some good friends working up there to stay with them for a few days, I flew up on Friday so we could spend the weekend there together & check it out. 

While I wasn't expecting it be quite so humid considering the time of year (it was still up to 95% some days!)  it was very nice.  I don't know what I was expecting (except probably not quite so many Back-Packers!) and apart from the humidity, which the locals say "you get used to after a few years" I could easily imagine myself relaxing into that T shirt & thongs lifestyle!  We spend one day in Lichfield National Park & swam in a few creeks & water holes which was awesome. Plenty of interesting things to see including giant magnetic termite mounds and a Bower Bird nest right next to one of the pathways... & then a stop off at a butterfly farm for a nice cold cocktial! Very relaxing...



Anonymous Viv Rivett said...

Yep, great place to visit. Went there for 9 days last August with my sister. Been to Lichfield. Stayed at Kakadu, visited Katherine. Did a few tours and hikes, had a great time. Saw the crocs on the Yellow River Cruise (awesome). And, by gum, it's hot in Darwin!

2:16 pm  

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