Sunday, July 01, 2007

Finished... at last!

It's done! She's finished!

Anke put the finishing touches to her Thesis last night at 10:00pm after pulling yet another 13 hour day... printed it off this morning and now just has to deliver it Curtin Uni! Yee har! Just look at her face to see how happy she is!

Can you imagine... arriving here from Germany barely 2 years ago with hardly any English language and now she has finshed her Masters Degree! Unbeliveable! God it's going to take some adjustment now... the boot will be on other foot with me being the one who has to work.

And what now you ask?! Good question... relax a bit for a start. In fact I think we might go away this weekend: Kalgoorlie? Kalbarri? Esperance? Margaret River... hmm. Feels weird even for me let alone her! She's done SO well.


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