Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Un-Australia Day?

As Anke had never been in Perth for an Australia Day before, and I thought "what could be nicer than to watch the fireworks on the foreshore with some friends from Germany?". And the fireworks were quite nice... not great, but nice; the company good; the barge catching fire after even better! But was it really worth risking the perils of the South Perth foreshore so she could "see what it's all about?"
First, I parked near Canning Highway in South Perth so it was 45 minute walk to meet up with our friends near the Mend St jetty.... and that was a 45 minute gauntlet of flag draped, badly behaved, drunken "Aussies" taking each other on & brazenly brawling with each other for their respective territorial rights. It will be the last time we'll go there for Oz Day... it just wasn't fun. If their stupid & aggressive behavior wasn't enough to put us off then the incredible piles & piles & piles of rubbish literally covering the ground when we left sure was...
What the HELL is it with these people on Australia Day? It was an embarrassment to be there with international guests & I was at a complete loss to explain to them: "Why?!"
Australia Day? I don't think so....


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