Thursday, August 16, 2012

Along with a number of other Australian dealers, I was recently invited to take part in an all expenses paid  tour of Taylor Guitar factory in San Diego, USA.... an offer that only took me a few seconds to consider and accept! It was a bit of whirlwind trip which meant spending only 3 days in San Diego however that was long enough to see first hand and in great detail how they approach the art of guitar making and what an exact science they have turned it in to. Their passion for all things wood and their attention to every minute detail has resulted in them becoming one of the fastest growing guitar makers in the world and their output is astounding considering the price range of the guitars they make. The USA factory (I say "factory", but it is in fact a conglomerate of 5 adjacent buildings) produces around 260 guitars a day. The total annual production (including their Mexican factory which makes the One Series guitars as well as their range of "Baby" Taylor and GS Mini models) is a staggering 100,000 units per year... double that of 3 years ago! All the more impressive as that growth has been achieved in the middle of the biggest global financial crisis we've seen in many decades. Their consideration and understanding (and one might almost say affection!) of timbers and how they move and breathe seem to be critical to their success and greatly affects the way they approach the entire manufacturing process. With many "resting" periods in between manufacturing stages, Taylor aims to be 100% certain that every guitar that leaves their factory is as stable as possible and will never cause the final owner any issues... a goal it would seem to us they have well and truly achieved with flying colours. Since we started selling Taylor guitars again earlier this year we have not had one guitar come back in need any adjustment at all let alone a fault! Taylor guitars are different in so many ways to most of other barnds of guitar on the market today. A fantastic experience... thank you Taylor!


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