Sunday, September 17, 2006

Karajini Gorges

One of my Aboriginal mates in Karratha has been pleading with me for years to "come up and see my country brother!" so last year I finally made it up there for a 1 week break with my partner Anke. It was the first time either of us had visited the area... and it certainly wont be our last!

The first few days my friend Camis took us camping in the Karajini Gorge area and it was just sensational... beautiful weather, the birdlife, the perfect clear skies at night, cooking over a campfire and swimming in the gorges. Camis and Angus told us both so much about the history of this area... where they had grown up as kids and still live today - it was a tremendous priviledge to see it through their eyes.

Even though I have always had great respect for Aboriginal people and culture, and I thought I was pretty aware, the more I hear and read about how Aborignal people have been treated since "white man" first came to Australia it is hard not to be both embarressed and even angry about so many aspects of our history. Had I been born Aboriginal I think I would find it very hard to forgive our anscestors for what "we" have done to them. Meanwhile I am just thankful for the positive experiences, contact and friendships I have in this regard. Thanks Camis and Angus.


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