Thursday, December 13, 2007

Audi Shmaudi: "I wish we could help but..." Yeah, right.

I was trying so hard not to be cynical when Audi Australia called me to say: "We're looking into your claim Graham... Audi are a wonderful cars & we stand by our product and by our customers....". I said to my partner Anke, I hope it's not just lip service but they did sound sincere... but then the phone call came: "We're really, really sorry about the problems you're having Mr Hoskins... we all feel for you but..." (yes, here's the bit I as waiting for - the big "but") "....but unfortunately there's nothing we can do for you...".

Audi have had some kind of falling out with All States Warranty Network & no longer sell their Extended Warranty, so who pays for that? Me!!

"And tell exactly what have I done wrong?" I asked them both "Nothing Mr Hoskins... you haven't done anything wrong."

SO why the bloody hell amd I out of pocket thousands and thousands of dollars?! I'll tell you what I did wrong - I bought an Audi with an "Extended Manufacturers Warranty" from ASWN which was nothing of the kind. Bastards... they're all bastards!

Consumer Affairs have received my formal complaint so I guess we'll see what happens next...


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