Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wanna buy a 2nd hand Audi?! Coz we're going Subaru!

I'm SO sick of talking about "the Audi" - I must have run over a black cat or something without knowing it!

With the transmission well & truly lost, the repairer called to update me saying they'll have to get a new one.... but, of course, there's none to be had in Australia! "But that's OK, we've ordered the parts from Germany" he quoth. (I'm glad HE thought it was OK!). "From Germany?!" I exclaimed "How long will THAT take?!"

" should only take a few weeks.... but that's OK" (again it's OK! Argh!?!) "...because we close-up the workshop this week anyway & so we'll be away till the 7th January... so hopefully by the time we get back the parts will be here & we can get stuck in". Mein gott!! It's been over 6 bloody weeks already!! And no, he hasn't heard anything from ASWN OR from Audi OR from Consumer Affairs.

So, my impulsive, irrantional, immature, emotive reaction???? We're now driving a brand new Subaru Outback!

"What, you didn't get another Audi?!" someone asked - yeah, right. I change my car about every 3 years so that will be my ultimate revenge - NOT buying Audi each time I change my car! Thanks Audi... for nothing. That's about 6 sales you've lost in the next 20 years for a start.

Meanwhile, Anke's parents arrive from Germany this week and we can't wait to get "out there!" in our new "Cruizer". I'll take some actual pics later this week!


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