Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fog on the Autobahn!

The last day of our holiday & we were driving down to Frankfurt on the autobahn in very heavy fog when suddenly there loomed up in front of us a full row of flashing hazard lights... across all lanes! The traffic was completely stopped! Even with some clever driving (and VERY heavy braking) from Anke's Dad we only JUST managed to stop without slamming into the cars in front of us... by mere inches... and then endured a nervous few seconds ~ which seemed like hours ~ as we watched with trepidation out of the rear of the car hoping that we weren't going to be hit from behind.

Other were not so lucky as as we crawled slowly along we passed about 6 or 8 accidents involving 15 or 20 cars in all over hte next few kilometres. Stopping & starting for over an hour we then reached the main cause of the chaos... 2 trucks - one of which had slid over both sides of the autobahn (requiring a crane to lift it off!) & another tandem truck that rolled on it's side. Some excitement we could have done without but it certainly made for a memorable trip to the airport!



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