Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back in Germany soon

I don't seem to have time to blog lately... even though there's been plenty going on - this time of year seems to be like that. Our extensions are getting distressingly close to be being finished & I haven't had time to upload any photos yet (& I say distressingly as the company doing it has been appallingly slow in doing the job... and are several months behind the finish date they told us & they have been just terrible at communicating during the building... tradies turning up when we're not expecting them but even worse, no one turning up for days... grrr). Anyway, it will be great when it's finished & then we can start on an "al fresco".

Meanwhile, after a very busy Christmas in the shop, Anke & I are both really looking forward to going back to Germany for 3 weeks in February. I was flicking back through some photo's of our last trip & noticed these 2 which I keep blue-tacked to the wall in my office to remind of the awesome time we had last time we were there... both have the trade-mark cheeky Anke grin in them that I love so much! :-)


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