Tuesday, December 30, 2008



I can't imagine badly scraping someones elses car & not telling them or leaving a note. And you can't tell me whoever did this didn't realise... it's really deep. But obviously some people don't have a problem with it. Karma to them I say...

OK, so in the big picture a dent in your car doesn't matter. It's a car. Who cares. I got some tragic news this week that, on Christmas Eve of all times, a friend of mine was out riding his bicycle with his brother & they were both run down by a shit head, drug affected youth... he didn't make it & his brother is still in a coma.... one of the nicest people you could ever meet - killed by an idiot who was apparently off his face on drugs. What the hell is wrong with people?! What a stupid, stupid pointless world we seem to have created at times. I can hardly wait till Australia Day again & see what havoc is wreaked on our "National Day of... ummm Stupidity"?!

Happy New Year.


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