Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Audi... I am SO angry!

Well after sitting back month after month after month hoping common sense would prevail but getting nowhere with Audi or ASWN I've had to act - today I lodged my "Consumer Trade Action" with the Magistrates Court in Perth.

Audi have been full of good intention but done nothing... abosolutely nothing. All States Warranty Network have continued to be beligerant & continue to refuse to review their position so if they're hoping that by not communicating I'll "go away" they're wrong.

I don't really know what my chance are but I'm happy to take it further... I've heard of SO many examples of people having problems like this I reckon "it's time... ". It's been 3 months now I've been without the car... unbelieveable.

What result would I like? Obviously I don't want to pay for the repairs, I want them stopped from being allowed to sell a product called "Extended Manufacturers Warranty" when it quite clearly does not do that. It's not fair. It's not right. And I doubt if it's legal.


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