Sunday, February 10, 2008

Now THAT's wrong!

Gerd & Hanna came loaded with presents for everyone in my family & rather weirdly, one of the things they bought with them were some riding "strips" (if that's what they're called?) from a German Brewery called Kostriker. The padded pants were a scream (though perhaps just a little too Borat!) but at their going away BBQ I managed to convince my older brother Pete to don a pair with me and impress the crowd! Talk about laugh... my poor Mum nearly had a synopisis!

Unfortunately for me, as this photo all too clearly indicates, my brother is actually into bike riding in a pretty big way so is VERY fit! Most of the gear they bought was too big for anyone but one of the "wind breakers" also happend to fit my neice Melissa who is in the State Womens Squad (at just 16!). Last week she rode in the 3kms Womens Pursuit Team at the National Titles in Sydney... and won GOLD... setting a new Australian Record in the process! Go Meliss!!


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