Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SORRY TODAY... thank you Kevin Rudd - it was about time!

I feel proud & priviliged to have a number of good Aboriginal friends... or should I say friends who happen to be Aboriginal. I love the history and the culture... I admire & respect them & I am glad that all Australia was (finally!) able to hear Prime Minister Kevin Rudd say what he did today.

Being a conservative Green voter I haven't voted for either of the major political parties for years.... & have never voted Labour, but today I felt proud that Kevin Rudd is the Prime Minister of Australia & I felt the speech he gave was perhaps one of the most momentus, sincere & appropriate ever to come out of Parliament - certainly in my life-time.

The disposition & treatment of Aboriginal peoples since white settlement is appalling & if ever in history an apology was deserved - this is it.

Sorry.... about bloody time!


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