Sunday, December 06, 2009

Phew.... what a long few months that was!

I haven't had time to even look at my personal blog for months!  But the Concept Music Renovations are now finished (at last!) & only just in time Christmas.  It's been such a big project & part of me is actually feeling a bit lost now it's finished... it has been my life 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for months now so hopefully now it's time to relax a bit... & reaquaint myself with some of our friends & family!  But I gotta say, the shop looks great.  The new Acoustic Guitar Room in particular I'm wrapped in, but I'm pretty happy with the look & feel of the whole shop really despite it running several months (& more than several $!) over budget.  Now we cross our fingers & hope that Santa makes 2009 a very musical Christmas this year! 



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