Sunday, January 24, 2010


Anke's Mum & Dad came over from Germany again a few weeks ago & while they were here we used them as an excuse to invite thefamily & some friends over for BBQ & a "pig on a spit... & while many guests thought something was going on, many others were caught completely by surprise when we announced the arrival a 'special guest' which turned out to be a wedding celebrant!

The back yard looked beautiful & the weather was just perfect & it was a sensational afternoon... from Anke walking out to Abba song "Take a Chance on Me!" to the 2x3 metre backdrop of the "Dome" in Naumburg (prepared & sent over specially by some of Anke's friends in Germany!) to the playing of a recording of the unique Naumburg church bells after the ceremony it was a perfect day... we couldn't have asked for a better day! 



Anonymous Viv Rivett said...

AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!! Fabulous, and what a surprise. Really happy for you. Best wishes for you both. Viv.

3:24 pm  

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