Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Kalgoorlie Super Pit!

Despite living in Perth all my life, apart from an overnight stay once (when I cooked an engine driving back from Adelaide!), I had never been to Kalgoorlie & it was actually very nice and very, very interesting. We didn't have a lot of time to do touristy things but we did manage to make it up to the Super Pit... WOW... it is big. Really BIG! And so close to town!

Anke said she had an awesome view as she flew in (I drove) but we also went up to the look-out & it was quite spectacular. Humans are such a strange animal really - millions & millions & millions of dollars invested in... digging up tons of dirt for a tiny bit of "precious" metal. Apparently they end up with just a golf ball sized piece of gold out of each scoop (or it may have even been truck load?) of dirt. I wonder why we think it is that precious? Why does it matter that much? And don't even start me on diamonds...



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