Thursday, May 15, 2008

Camping in Kalgoorlie... interesting!

Anke had a conference on regional & rural health up in Kalgoorlie a few weeks & there was a "cultural camping experience" being promoted following the conference. Luckily for me, partners were allowed & I jumped at the chance. Anke flew up on the Frtiday & I drove up Saturday... the Outback went like a dream but it wa s bloody long drive!

The bits of the conference I was able to sneak in on were very, very interesting - especially the presentation by an native Alaskan Indian who is a doctor but who gave a presentation on dealing with culural differences.... it was great. As for the "cultural camping experience" - well an experience it certainly was!

Our "larger than life" guide was Geoffery & well, I guess organisation wasn't a high priority (& neither was ice for the esky's but that's another story!) but he was certainly a good shot! He dropped several kangaroos over the couple of days & Anke even helped to skin & clean them... though seeing them hanging on the front of his Landcruiser for the rest of the day and night (AND the next day!) I'm not sure whether I'd want to eat them later... but he didn't seemed to think it mattered.... perhaps it's normal we thought to ourselves? I don't really think so!


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